Growing beans vertically

Hie my friends, I hope you are doing well, and you are growing different varieties of fruit and vegetables.

Its now summer and we need to choose the right plants to grow this time around . Its now time to grow beans,

This is the right time but someone might be saying what “I do not have space”, do not worry my friends today we are introducing you to vertical beans farming. Therefore stay put and enjoy today’s lesson.

guys, first things first, the most important thing is to choose the best variety for vertical farming since you do not have now I am introducing you to a wonderful variety called “the lazy house wife”, it is named so because it is very easy to grow and it does not need much attention. So it is best suited for those who are lazy.

the good thing about this variety is that you can consume its fruits in all it’s three phases.

phase one

The beans are still young and they are perfect to use as green beans, they taste sweet, my gosh, I admit ,I like the sweetness.

phase 2

The plant is a heavy bearer and it’s obvious that you are not going to be able to finish it’s fruit at the first stage, “do not worry”, you can still cook them when they are ripe,

phase 3:

The pods can dry up and have an opportunity to pick them and dry them for future use. You can boil them and serve them as desired.

if well fed, the plant can grow tall and bearing pods at every nod allowing you to enjoy a bountiful harvest.

If you were worried about space, you can even grow them in containers but please ensure that your trellising is good for the vines to climb up, as long you feed it well, it will continue to grow and bear fruits to an indeterminate time .

with this variety you will never go wrong, therefore, come on let’s go into the shop and let’s grab our packet to start our seed.

you can be a lazy parent who ensures enough food supply for the family and even you can also have extra to share with your neighbours.

but, please do not eat everything, spare some seeds for the next season and share your seeds with your friends so that we promote a sustainable food system

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