Growing red amaranth microgreens using the soil

Red amaranth is packed with many Phyto nutrients and it’s beautiful colour can make your plate to look differently.

Today we would like to introduce you to a vegetable that you will not resist in your plate.

Red amaranth microgreens.

This is a unique version of the mature amaranth but it is only grown for at most two weeks and harvested.

Many chefs cannot runaway from these beautiful plants. Both the stem and the leaves will steal your heart.

So How do you go about planting yours?

You need microgreens tray, fertile soil, Red amaranth seeds and a mist sprayer.

Use a tray with holes underneath, ensure that you fill it with 7-10cm of fertile soil from the bottom.

Spread the soil evenly.

Use a salt shaker to sprinkle your seeds evenly in the grow media

Make sure there is a thin blanket covering the soil and no seed is on top of the other.

Use the mist sprayer to spray adequate water

Close the tray with another tray without holes

This will create a Black dome which makes the seed to germinate quickly

Please 🙏 do not over water as molding will take place.

Check your tray on daily basis to ensure that the tray is safe from molds.

After 3 days the seeds will start germinating, do not remove the dome so that the seedlings grow tall, after five days remove the upper tray to allow sunlight to work wonders on the tray. This will cause the seedling to turn red.

MiCrogreens grow vigorously therefore, you must be ready for a haverst starting from the tenth day.

WhEn they reach the size of your choice, take a sharp kitchen knife or scissors and cut the beautiful plant. Wash them and dry them using a salad spinner.

You can add to your salads, soups or you can just stir fry.

That’s is it for today, enjoygrowing red amaranth.

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