Cleome gynandra (African cabbage)

Good day everybody, I hope the heat wave is not going to scorch you to death. It might be very hot but understand that it is a signal of something special.

Can you guess what it could be?

I know, you will never get the answer correct, so let me tell you.

The special thing is heavy rains are by the corner. As long as the rain is good, I like it. Rain brings back life to many things starting from animals, vegetation even plants and animals.

There are wild edible weeds that will come out when it rains. These weeds I know, can not be resisted by 99% true Zimbabweans.I am not going to mention them all but today I will talk about “cleome gynandra or cat’s whiskers or spider swisp.

Guys I do not want to lie to you, this weed is delicious when cooked well but….

BuT, I repeat, do not allow someone who is a bad coock to prepare it, you will never like it because it will be very bitter

The first rains will always remind me of my village and our homestead. Barely 3 weeks after the first rains fell, nyevhe or runi, in our mother language becomes the relish of almost 60% of households in the village.

I remember my mother gathering the tender leaves from our field early in the morning. She used to tell us if Nyevhe is harvested under scorching heat it becomes very bitter.

My Mum would cook it and add peanut butter. I always think of those moments sitting in my mother’s round hut in the evening eating this delicious relish with Sadza.

The problem would come when mum start to cook this weed religiously, I would not like it. I wanted it once in a blue moon.

I know I have reminded you of your past and I know I have made you to think of your grandparents in village. Well Christmas is at the corner, prepare for a visit in the village.

The good thing is cat’s whiskers can be found even in town in the streets were vendors will be selling it. The problem of buying from the street is that the leaves won’t be tender, my advice is go back to your roots and enjoy it with your family and friends.

The weed is just a wonder! It is packed with health benefits. It is composed of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamin A and C, calcium, magnesium and has the highest content of iron as compared to spinach.

The good thing is the leaves, stems, pods and flowers are edible. Ensure that you choose the young and tender parts.


Our traditional method is to boil with water or milk, but we use milk to neutralise bitterness. Choose your own plant based milk e g coconut 🥥 or soya bean milk.

After boiling you can add other ingredients that can make it taste good.

This weed has been eaten for many years in Zimbabwe, The only problem is that is is very scarce in winter and spring.

Come to Zimbabwe in December, I will take you to my village and you can enjoy the great taste of Zimbabwean traditional plant based meals.

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