The reason why Mahewu should be your daily drink

Mahewu is a household name that is popular in every corner in Southern Africa. Although it is given different names in different countries, the taste and the benefits are just the same.

Everyone who has a rural background will never like to miss this drink.

What is Mahewu?

This a fermented non alcoholic drink or pap made from maize porridge.

For it to ferment better, malt made from finger millet and rapoko is used. This will give this drink a good flavour

People used to associate this drink with poverty but of late it has replaced many soft drinks in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa. Many beverage companies are now producing and selling it at large scale in supermarkets and wholesales. Many people are making a living by commercially selling this. The demand for this drink has been propelled by economic crisis in Zimbabwe. A person will buy a 500ml that will keep him full for the whole day. Companies are now supplying this traditional drink in packages that are affordable to different income groups. The largest market is school going population, followed by the working class and nursing mothers.

Mahewu is a fermented drink which is packed with probiotics which are helpful in people’s healthy. Those who cannot afford yogurt can replace it with Mahewu as this can be made by anyone at home.

Iron, magnesium, calcium, carbohydrates and protein are some of the nutrients found in Mahewu.

Large companies are now fortifying the drink with vitamin B12 making it a good source of a plant based diet drink. This large companies are now adding different flavours allowing people to choose the best flavour for them. For me the traditional un flavoured is the best.

Mahewu is equally good as any fermented product that you can think of, nursing mothers also feed their toddlers with Mahewu. Mahewu will keep on fermting if not refrigerated therefore, to allow people who cannot afford refrigerators, Instant Mahewu is all over the market. This has allowed people to consume this drink at ease. In Zimbabwe you can find more than ten brands of well packaged mahewu on shelf in a supermarket. This show that it a great product to try.

For all those who are on plant based diets Mahewu is the best and it is also affordable and can be made by everyone at home whether a person is rich or poor.

I still remember when I was in grade one, Mahewu was part of our school meal programme. Every child would have a cup of it on break time.

Some companies use nutritional yeast but the one made from rapoko or finger millet malt is the best.

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