Save your money by growing your own leeks.

Every household need delicious meals which are nutrient packed and flavourful. Best meals are prepared by cooks wh have enough supply of fruit, vegetables, meets, nuts, seeds etc, but sometimes it can be very difficult to have 75% of these things in your kitchen. So a wise person must look for a way that is sustainable to ensure that you have a continuous supply of your food. So today, I would like to show your how you can grow your own leeks from the few that you get from your friends.

For your own information, I started with only three leeks but now I can feed my family for the whole year .

So let’s go into the garden,

you need :

  • fresh tap water
  • a small container with a lid
  • One leek with roots
  • a knife

so the reason why we have the leek is we want to prepare good food. So we are going to use the upper part for cooking and we are going to propagate the base part.

Here we go:

  • Cut the leek, 2,5cm from the base, the keep the rest for cooking.
  • now take your container with lead, drill a hole that will allow the roots of your leek to get through but the leek should not fall inside .
  • fill in the container with 3/4 of fresh water
  • We are almost there, gently push your root inside the lid , allowing the roots to be the water.
  • The last thing is to take the container to a window seal
  • Leave it like that for some time so that some shoots appears, you can have more than ten shoots depending on how big and health your base of the leek was.
  • Wait for the leeks to grow tall, if they are about ten centimeters you can harvest and cook but today we want to grow more so
  • Detach every shoot from the main stem then transplant in good soil that have enough well aged compost. water when necessary, but make sure you have chosen a good sunny spot which recieves enough daylight. Within some few months , you will be able to harvest your leeks and as you are harvesting, keep on repeating the process,

Your family will always enjoy taste food if you do this.

here is a link to the video.

We are what we eat!

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