Amaranth microgreens and food presentation .

Hey my friends! I hope you are doing well in this new season, Actually compliments of the new season. I am very optimistic that this year will bring you joy and happiness. Remember ! A lot of things contribute to a better life style and one of the contributors is good food.

At times we have good food around us but we cannot appreciate it, we believe that we will have better food if we go to other places. Today I would like to encourage you to exploit the available food in your pantry or in your garden.

As An advocate for plant based diets, I always want you to make use of the available fruit and vegetables in a unique way.


Today we are talking about food presentation and nutrition using microgreens.

We are using red Amaranth microgreens . Red Amaranth is a versatile plant, it has high nutrition content and is a very good plant to decorate and add colour to your plant.

Choose red Amaranth microgreens to decorate you plate but at the same time be assured that your clients and family are also going to boost their immune system.

With red Amaranth, you will never go wrong as the microgreens are eye catching, many people will definitely taste your food and they will enjoy their day.

So go and try to add red amaranth microgreens in your plate and enjoy a double benefit.

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