Blackjack microgreens

There is nothing so exciting like eating fresh produce which are straight from your garden. just because I love micro greens so much, I am introducing microgreens from our traditional vegetable sources. guess what! We are now doing blackjack microgreens for you.

but why blackjack? I know someone has this question.

This is because blackjack is packed with health benefits and no one can afford to lose this benefits. We would love you to enjoy every part of your life by staying health and beautiful. You can only achieve this if you eat health natural food. That why we are introducing blackjack microgreens in our product line. We are quite sure you will love them. Naturally blackjack is a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

Blackjack is wildly available in all parts of Zimbabwe but when it comes to food, people rarely consume it, people consider it to be associated with poverty, but today I want to remove that poverty mentality in you by giving you some of the health benefits associated with black jack. When you see someone cooking blackjack, just know that the person is health conscious. Some people do not consume it because they do not know how to cook black jack.

Here are some important use of blackjack!

Tonsillitis: boil some water add some fresh leaves of blackjack. Wait for some few minutes so that the liquid becomes warm, when its now warm gurgle the water and spit it out. you can do this three times a day up until you are OK.

Boosting immune system : if your immune system is compromised due to problems like cancer and HIV, you can use it as tea, or cook it the way you do vegetables. this will allow you to add some nutrients in your body.

Here are some diseases that can be treated by black jack




Now that you know the uses of blackjack, let’s get into the kitchen and cook and prepare a delicious meal!

Ways of using Blackjack microgreens

  • you can substitute it for covo when eating sadza
  • add a few on top of your rice or spaghetti
  • cooking blackjack microgreens

lets assume you have left overs after enjoying your salads. please do not throw away because I have two other ways you can use them and the ways are:

  • blend them in your nutritious smoothie
  • cook them with peanut butter do not forget to add leeks, onions, tomatoes, cilantro and rosemary, its so delicious , I BEG YOU! try it,

The most important thing that you must know is blackjack is super delicious when it is off-season, try using it this time when it is scarce.


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