Blackjack microgreens

every family needs to enjoy healthy and nutritious food. At times we complain because we think that we do not have enough money to buying expensive food that can make us health.

today I would like to introduce you to a healthy and nutritious source of food that you will never forget in your life.

Growing up in the village, blackjack was abundant especially in summer and it would grow wildly in my father’s maize field. I did not like it’s taste but now I understand why?

its becausr it was kind of bitter because we were not giving it any special attention because we thought that it’s a weed. So last year so few blackjack plants grew in our garden and I started watering them, I even put some manure, I tell you the day I put them in plate, they were so tender and we enjoyed our meals.

Even though we knew that blackjack is given to people with poor immune systems so that they could improve, we had never valued it .

so , after eating fresh blackjack from our garden, I realised that it needed special attention for it to taste good. But how could we introduce it in the market since edible weeds here are associated with poverty. This means that value addition is the way to go.Yes we knew few guys who supplied blackjack powder and blackjack oil but I did not know how to use these two products so I did not bothermyself to try.

I wanted my own unique way which which could involve all age groups so I started doing blackjack microgreens what?

yes I said blackjack microgreens, these are so tender and and can be incorporated in many dishes. They make my dishes look so fancy at the same time they give the consumer highest level of nutrition.

I know you are asking me this questionSo were should I use blackjack microgreens.

use them together with garlic leeks as a garnish to your meat, you can use them as topping to your burger or even stir frying with olive oil or any oil readily available in your kitchen,

you will love it, I know, try it.

so stir fried Microgreens can be a eaten with Sadza if you are Zimbabwean and you can also be adventurous , try new recipes from your head and you will enjoy the delights of good food from nature.

I hope you have enjoyed this and we are going to be sending you many recipe to try with different Microgreens

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