Blackjack microgreens

There is nothing so exciting like eating fresh produce which are straight from your garden. just because I love micro greens so much, I am introducing microgreens from our traditional vegetable sources. guess what! We are now doing blackjack microgreens for you.

but why blackjack? I know someone has this question.

This is because blackjack is packed with health benefits and no one can afford to lose this benefits. We would love you to enjoy every part of your life by staying health and beautiful. You can only achieve this if you eat health natural food. That why we are introducing blackjack microgreens in our product line. We are quite sure you will love them. Naturally blackjack is a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

Blackjack is wildly available in all parts of Zimbabwe but when it comes to food, people rarely consume it, people consider it to be associated with poverty, but today I want to remove that poverty mentality in you by giving you some of the health benefits associated with black jack. When you see someone cooking blackjack, just know that the person is health conscious. Some people do not consume it because they do not know how to cook black jack.

Here are some important use of blackjack!

Tonsillitis: boil some water add some fresh leaves of blackjack. Wait for some few minutes so that the liquid becomes warm, when its now warm gurgle the water and spit it out. you can do this three times a day up until you are OK.

Boosting immune system : if your immune system is compromised due to problems like cancer and HIV, you can use it as tea, or cook it the way you do vegetables. this will allow you to add some nutrients in your body.

Here are some diseases that can be treated by black jack




Now that you know the uses of blackjack, let’s get into the kitchen and cook and prepare a delicious meal!

Ways of using Blackjack microgreens

  • you can substitute it for covo when eating sadza
  • add a few on top of your rice or spaghetti
  • cooking blackjack microgreens

lets assume you have left overs after enjoying your salads. please do not throw away because I have two other ways you can use them and the ways are:

  • blend them in your nutritious smoothie
  • cook them with peanut butter do not forget to add leeks, onions, tomatoes, cilantro and rosemary, its so delicious , I BEG YOU! try it,

The most important thing that you must know is blackjack is super delicious when it is off-season, try using it this time when it is scarce.


Blackjack microgreens

every family needs to enjoy healthy and nutritious food. At times we complain because we think that we do not have enough money to buying expensive food that can make us health.

today I would like to introduce you to a healthy and nutritious source of food that you will never forget in your life.

Growing up in the village, blackjack was abundant especially in summer and it would grow wildly in my father’s maize field. I did not like it’s taste but now I understand why?

its becausr it was kind of bitter because we were not giving it any special attention because we thought that it’s a weed. So last year so few blackjack plants grew in our garden and I started watering them, I even put some manure, I tell you the day I put them in plate, they were so tender and we enjoyed our meals.

Even though we knew that blackjack is given to people with poor immune systems so that they could improve, we had never valued it .

so , after eating fresh blackjack from our garden, I realised that it needed special attention for it to taste good. But how could we introduce it in the market since edible weeds here are associated with poverty. This means that value addition is the way to go.Yes we knew few guys who supplied blackjack powder and blackjack oil but I did not know how to use these two products so I did not bothermyself to try.

I wanted my own unique way which which could involve all age groups so I started doing blackjack microgreens what?

yes I said blackjack microgreens, these are so tender and and can be incorporated in many dishes. They make my dishes look so fancy at the same time they give the consumer highest level of nutrition.

I know you are asking me this questionSo were should I use blackjack microgreens.

use them together with garlic leeks as a garnish to your meat, you can use them as topping to your burger or even stir frying with olive oil or any oil readily available in your kitchen,

you will love it, I know, try it.

so stir fried Microgreens can be a eaten with Sadza if you are Zimbabwean and you can also be adventurous , try new recipes from your head and you will enjoy the delights of good food from nature.

I hope you have enjoyed this and we are going to be sending you many recipe to try with different Microgreens

microgeens growing

Growing coriander/cilantro Microgreens.

cilantro does well in the open space in winter hence we have it in abundance during this season. The problems comes in summer when it becomes scarce. This mainly happens in Zimbabwe where very few people owns greenhouses. Indoor farming is known by only a few

Today we would like to let you know that you can have your constant supply of coriander by utilising a limited space.

But how?

Ok, welcome to the world of microgreens farming.

what do you need?

  • An enclosed spaceif it outdoors , the place must receive natural light
  • If it is indoors you need grow lights
  • Coriander seeds which are organic
  • Fertile soil
  • Growing containers
  • Mist sprayer.

A greenhouse is ideal for Microgreens.


you need three containers of equal size, one which is perforated and two others which are not.

fill your perforated container with soil, make sure you soil is leveled.

sprinkle some coriander seeds evenly on the soil, making sure you create a thick blanket but no seed should sit on another seed.

spread a thin layer of soil on top of the seeds , make sure there are no bumps , you must have a flat surface. Just place another container on top. Allow your container to sit in the unperforated container to avoid spills of water everywhere. Make sure you have a flat surface, lift the top container then mist spray with adequate water. Close it with the last container then place this in a dark room but everyday check for moisture content and moulding.

allow this to germinate, after germination, place in a black out dome for three days. This allows our Microgreens to grow tall.

after they have reached a desired length , transfer them to a spot which receives light which does not scorch them.

take good care as you wait patiently for them to mature.

harvest day.

make sure your Microgreens are clean, use your sharp knives to cut or you can use a scissors.

Voilà, Microgreens are now ready to be eaten, wash them and send them to the dining table.

bonosalus c1
ready to eat
bonosalus c2


Climate change has taught societies that they can not do away with indigenous food systems because they are resilient to shocks. Let me explain why indigenous food systems are important :

  • Traditional food contribute to health and wellbeing. Many many years ago, there were no hospitals but people lived long and health. This means that their local food systems played an important role in enhancing their immunity. So it is wiser to consider exploiting indigenous food sources
  • Indigenous food systems maintains and enhances biodiversity. Indigenous food grows naturally allowing other species to grow freely without disturbing the ecosystem. For example, African bees produce honey in the forests, the production of honey does not disturb the growth of trees but human beings benefit from both trees and the honey produced
  • Communities are also benefiting from sustainably gathering wild fruits, weeds, and mushrooms. Many villagers are making a living from gathering edible mushroom and selling them in streets.
  • Sustainable ways of producing, preparing, preserving and consuming. Most of the indigenous food is very easy to store and preserve. For example many people in Africa preserve their food by sun drying which does not pose any problem to the planet earth.
  • Food is not over processed and free from unnecessary additives. Indigenous food is free from diseases caused by chemicals used during preservation.
  • Proximity : Food is produced within communities allowing members to eat what they want at any time. This reduces transportation costs and pollution caused by shipping food from other countries.
  • Resilience: traditional food systems can withstand shocks , for example each and every region has special grain suitable for for a certain environment. In drought stricken areas, people grow finger millet and sorghum which are drought resistant

So you see, our indigenous food systems have relevance to our livelihoods. We can save our planet by embracing indigenous food systems

Importance of water in the food systems.

Many people do not have an appreciation of the importance of water in the food systems, there is nothing that we can eat without the aid of water. Water plays a pivotal role in bringing food on the table.

Let me give you a second, be silent and just think of how the food you ate today is made, what is the process? What quantities of water was involved at any stage.

yep! I know you have visualised it yourself and you found out that water is just important. It is clear that we cannot eat if water is not present. Therefore everyday is a water day. Look at the water bodies around you. How are you conserving them . The truth is without water no profession can thrive. One day I was shocked when a young man said he did not know why God allows rain to fall. I started telling him the importance of water in agriculture and he said he was not a farmer so he was not even concerned about rain falling or not. This shows that he did not understand that if rains does not fall it will affect every citizen in an indirect way but it would affect the farmer directly. So we need to be thankful for all the water bodies that we have and since we all know that there is climate change, it’s true that many people will find it difficult to access clean water. Yesterday was world water day, but how did you celebrate it? what measures have you put in place to ensure that your community have a sustainable water source. Presently it is quite clear that we cannot rely on water from rivers and dams only because rivers are drying up due to continuous droughts.

Today I am talking about underground water.

did you know that underground water is not visible but it’s positive effects are visible to veryone. In every community, people are sinking boreholes which are tens of meters deep so that they access clean sustainable water. Underground water has proved to be an answer to our problems in this period of climate change.

So if you realise that there is need for safe water in your community, the first thing that comes in your mind is having a well or a borehole.

Although many well wishers are playing great roles to ensure that members of the society have sustainable water sources, the members of the society are the ones that can work against people’s effort. When you move around, you even witness treated water gushing out, the community is reluctant to report about burst pipes. Some they do not care, they use tapes and leave them running. The reality is dams and Rivers are drying up, it also means that very soon it is going to be difficult for people to easily access underground water.

When ever you think of eating or drinking, think about how food is made, this will always remind you to take good care of the water that we have. If it is possible learn how to harvest rain water so that you can have continuous supply of water even if rain goes away.

For those who once lived and stayed in rural areas understand how difficult it can be to access clean water. In the village, women and girls travel long distances in search of safe water. They even carry it on their heads, it’s a painful experience that has been witnessed and is still being witnessed by many villagers. Some find it difficult to access only a few litres of safe water to drink. Only this people are in a better position to tell the world how water is important. In some drought stricken areas, people can hardly grow vegetables making many people to have poor nutrition.

This shows that water is as important for life on this earth

Amaranth microgreens and food presentation .

Hey my friends! I hope you are doing well in this new season, Actually compliments of the new season. I am very optimistic that this year will bring you joy and happiness. Remember ! A lot of things contribute to a better life style and one of the contributors is good food.

At times we have good food around us but we cannot appreciate it, we believe that we will have better food if we go to other places. Today I would like to encourage you to exploit the available food in your pantry or in your garden.

As An advocate for plant based diets, I always want you to make use of the available fruit and vegetables in a unique way.


Today we are talking about food presentation and nutrition using microgreens.

We are using red Amaranth microgreens . Red Amaranth is a versatile plant, it has high nutrition content and is a very good plant to decorate and add colour to your plant.

Choose red Amaranth microgreens to decorate you plate but at the same time be assured that your clients and family are also going to boost their immune system.

With red Amaranth, you will never go wrong as the microgreens are eye catching, many people will definitely taste your food and they will enjoy their day.

So go and try to add red amaranth microgreens in your plate and enjoy a double benefit.

Who is taking a lead in this transition?

We are proud suppliers of a variety of leafy vegetables ranging from MiCrogreens to mature greens. We mainly supply off season wild occuring edible weeds for example black jack and amaranth. These weeds are readily available in summer but are very scarce in winter. We made a bold decision to have them available to our clients in winter and even spring.

At first we were very skeptic about it, we were not sure of who was going to be our clients. So we started growing this on small scale and giving out the edible weeds for free. We later réalised that many people who had their relatives bed ridden would come to our place begging us to sell amaranth to them. Many people would choose amaranth, black jack and spinach. I wondered why those who are sick would crave for this weed. Until one day someone told me that if your body is lacking a certain essential nutrient, it will force you to crave for food with that essential nutrient.

We became known to supply wild off-season edible weeds to the extend that we could not meet demand. To limit demand we had to price our bunches of these weeds

Do you know that we are now making a living from selling amaranth, to individuals and supermarkets. This wild edible seed is giving us more revenue than any other vegetable.

What is shocking is that it is mainly bought by men than women. I do not understand this. I have tried to establish this but these men always tell me that they want to live longer, healthier and happily so they are cutting down red meat consumption and replacing with healthful plant based diets.

99% of our clients are male. Most of them admit that because of different ailments they are now forced to choose meat alternatives and they testify that it is helping them a lot. Most of them admit that their doctors have advised them to switch to plant based diets

So what I do not understand is why women are slow at reacting, does that mean they do not regularly visit their doctors or they are still denying the fact that plant based diets are away to go? Noone knows.

Maybe information is not perfect or maybe men are connected so they learn more everyday.I sometimes think that women are difficult to convince.

The truth is men are leading in the transition and are determined to have better lives and better days on earth.

One middle aged man told me that he does not bother his wife about cooking these, he does it on his own. He uses different recipes so that he enjoys his meals everyday.

So the question remains who is leading in this transition and why?

Growing red amaranth microgreens using the soil

Red amaranth is packed with many Phyto nutrients and it’s beautiful colour can make your plate to look differently.

Today we would like to introduce you to a vegetable that you will not resist in your plate.

Red amaranth microgreens.

This is a unique version of the mature amaranth but it is only grown for at most two weeks and harvested.

Many chefs cannot runaway from these beautiful plants. Both the stem and the leaves will steal your heart.

So How do you go about planting yours?

You need microgreens tray, fertile soil, Red amaranth seeds and a mist sprayer.

Use a tray with holes underneath, ensure that you fill it with 7-10cm of fertile soil from the bottom.

Spread the soil evenly.

Use a salt shaker to sprinkle your seeds evenly in the grow media

Make sure there is a thin blanket covering the soil and no seed is on top of the other.

Use the mist sprayer to spray adequate water

Close the tray with another tray without holes

This will create a Black dome which makes the seed to germinate quickly

Please 🙏 do not over water as molding will take place.

Check your tray on daily basis to ensure that the tray is safe from molds.

After 3 days the seeds will start germinating, do not remove the dome so that the seedlings grow tall, after five days remove the upper tray to allow sunlight to work wonders on the tray. This will cause the seedling to turn red.

MiCrogreens grow vigorously therefore, you must be ready for a haverst starting from the tenth day.

WhEn they reach the size of your choice, take a sharp kitchen knife or scissors and cut the beautiful plant. Wash them and dry them using a salad spinner.

You can add to your salads, soups or you can just stir fry.

That’s is it for today, enjoygrowing red amaranth.

Replacing meat

RepLace meat, replace meat, replace meat, is a song that we hear everyday. Some people are still worried about how they can switch from meat based diets to plant based diets. The first thing, that comes in one’s mind is the delicious taste of meat that you experience when you just make a little bite of a chunk of meat. We grew up with the mentality that we get protein from meat sources, so some people are worried of switching from animal based to plant based diets .

In most cases we all have reasons to take this bold action. Some people are forced to become vegans because of healthy issues and others have mercy for animals.

Whatever reason, at one point in time you might want or long to have meat.

That is not a problem, today I would like to introduce you to some vegan meat balls.

Beans meat balls,

Yes I said beans meat balls,

So How do you prepare them?

First of all boil you beans until they are perfectly cooked.

Drain any excess water and allow the bean to cool, mash them but they must remain thick, shred carrots, red and green peepers, add salt add tumeric and a little onion powder, pour all these into the bowl with mashed beans, mix well and form a dough.

Refrigerate the dough for about thirty minutes. Make balls from the dough.

You can now fry and bake the balls.

After frying serve with any sauce whilst still warm. You will tell me the goodness of the taste, it’s good meat replacement, you can even Fake your friends to believe that you are having meat,

Until tomorrow


Using Green amaranth

Hello my friends, I hope you are doing well and you are really enjoying your fresh vegetables.

Today, we are going to use green amaranth (mowa) in Shona. This vegetable naturally occurs in Zimbabwe especially in summer.

My fellow Zimbabweans, did you know that green amaranth is a substitute for spinach. Actually, it is called African spinach.

So What does that mean?

It Means you can use it the way you use spinach in your dishes.

Guys it took me decades to réalisé that green amaranth is a vegetable that I should not miss as it packed with a variety of nutrients for example, vitamins, calcium and protein only to mention a few.

Now you know you cannot afford to miss it in your dishes, the next thing is to know how to get the best out of it.

In my village, everyone knows that you need to cook it until it becomes brown and when it is well cooked, we add peanut butter.

Today I would like to introduce you guys to two recipes that might surprise you but these two works wonders in your mouth, I bet try it, I mean taste it and see what happens next, the truth is you are going to regret the number of years you have been in the village, seeing it as a carpet of weeds in your field. I know the moment that you try these two recipes, you will go out to look for more,

Ok guys let’s get started .

Method one:

Frying: yes I said frying, I know you are laughing because in your mind you are saying, you are mad, or you do not really know green amaranth.

I know it inside out, I grew up in the village, and I tell you green amaranth was weeds that gave us torrid times in summer, we would spent the whole summer without resting, weeding it after every two weeks.

Now let’s get back to our frying method.

What you need.

Green chilli or green pepper, fresh young tender amaranth leaves which are only three weeks old, garlic or garlic chives cooking oil and salt for seasoning.

Cut your amaranth into small pieces using a knife, do the same to your chillies and pepper,

put your pan on the stove top and add some cooking oil allow your oil to boil, add your chillies or peppers in the boiling oil, fry until well cooked, add your green amaranth in the pot and fry until cooked, when done you add salt to taste, I also prefer putting in garlic chives.

After this you can serve it as relish to your Sadza if you are Zimbabwean.

With this recipe, your hands will not be able to resist to dip in your pocket for more money to buy more green amaranth.

Please go and try this recipe at home. If you can’t find the amaranth leaves now, please give us a shout we will direct you to the best Green amaranth grower.


Toss baby Amaranth in your salad the way you do baby spinach and experience the miracle.

Instead of using baby amaranth you can look for amaranth microgreens, these ones work wonders especially red amaranth microgreens, they give your plate a splendid presentation that consumers won’t be able to resist.

My friends, go and give yourself a weekend treat using Green amaranth.

