Companion planting

Hey friends! I hope I find you well and you are all enjoying your farming,

If you are in Southern Africa, Its obvious that you are now feeling the summer heat every afternoon, do not just feel the heat without planning for your summer cropping. If you are one of those without plans, then cheer up, Bono Salus is a friend indeed. We have a full package for your summer crops, however, today we are only going to concentrate on two super plants.

Egg plants/brinjals and tomatoes

Did you know that these two a great friends, they go along very well, they actually share the same food and they ward off pests and insects for one another.

Imagine! This is super friendship.

So what message am I bringing to you guys?

Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, go ye into the supermarket, I mean straight to the seed corners, grab two packets that is one for egg plants and the other one for tomatoes, choose any variety

As for me, I have fallen in love with cherry tomatoes and the black beauty variety of eggplants.

Ok, let’s say you are not good at starting your own seed, fine that is not a problem, head to the nursery shop and grab the seedlings for the two plants, I bet it’s easier for beginners.

Please do not be excited and forget to pay!

Now, let’s get into the garden, remember, I like eating organically grown vegetables so let’s do it the organic way.

Come on let’s start now,

Choose a suny spot, your plants love basking in the sun so make sure the spot receives at least 12hrs of sunshine,

Dig holes which are 30cn wide and 30cm dip and put a spacing of 60cm between two holes and 100cm between two rows. Deposit enough we’ll aged compost, goat, chicken manure or cow dung in the holes and mix well with well draining soil.

Use any eye catching pattern during transplanting, but just make sure the two are growing together.

Practice good agronomy, ensuring that you give the plants enough water and avoid weeds at all costs

Natural calcium and potassium.

Use egg shells and banana peels to add the to minerals.

As long as you do your agriculture very well, in less than three months you can start harvesting depending on varieties chosen.

If you face challenges, do not forget to write to us for more tips.

You can only eat fresh and healthy food if you put more effort in your garden.

Bye for now my adorable friends, lots of love

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