How to Manage Your Health and Wellbeing In 2023?

We are all happy that we have managed to see this new year, but it will be much better if we get into this new year very fit and fine. Everyone needs to be healthy but if we are to check around, more than 80% of the adults are suffering mentally, emotionally and physically.

There is a great role that we must play to improve our health. The moment you give up on yourself , is  the same time your health will drastically deteriorate. If you do not care for yourself, who else can do that for you? No one! Keep reminding yourself that you are the master of both your physical and mental health. 

I know, someone is saying this:

Ok, yes, I am the master of my health, so what should I do to enhance it?

Here are the tips for a better life:

  • Change your mindset: One of the most important things to do is to change your mindset. For example, if you are sick, see yourself improving, not dying. So if this happens you will start looking at ways to improve your physical and mental health,
  • Health diets:  one of the ways is to change your diet, yes it’s true, shift from unhealthy food to healthy nutritious food. This type of food is found in a balanced diet. Make it a point to include fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and lean meat in your dishes so that you have a balanced diet. All these food sources must be in equal proportion. Some of the food sources that can help you improve your health are Microgreens and smoothies made from organically sourced fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and herbs. It’s wise to prepare your smoothies at home so that you are 100% sure that you are using organic products.
  • Exercising. There is no remedy that can beat exercising, and the best and affordable way is by walking. Make it a point that you walk at least twice a week. What surprises me is that there are people who do not appreciate that they are better off walking than driving. When you are walking, especially in a forest you will definitely experience the touch of nature and your mind will be relieved and even your thinking capacity can improve. During the just ended holidays, we spent some time in the village,this was a great opportunity to hike and experience a better environment in the mountains and forests. The sound of birds chirping brought a sense of peacefulness to us. Some people enjoy cycling, it also gives them peace of mind  and physical fitment since they will burn their fat in this process.
  • Reading : Make it a point to read fascinating stories which can be fiction or even real stories. Reading can relax your mind and can also help you think outside the box. Nowadays , life has been made easy. You can listen to  audiobooks even if you are doing other things like walking or driving.
  • Writing: This is a technique that I use if I want to fight depression and stress. I am an introvert so when I am writing, I write as if I am talking to someone . In my writing it seems as if we are in a dialogue with someone, even if I am alone. So what happens is I exchange words as if I am talking to a real person. So at the end of the day I get relieved and if I was angry with someone, my anger is relieved and I create peace in my mind and I also silently create peace with my offender. This technique has worked for me for a  quite long period of time. There are so many people who are always surprised when I do not react when there is need for  a serious verbal reaction. What they do not understand is that I react with a pen and paper, and I leave my anger on paper and I even ask for forgiveness on paper. This clears my mind and heart. At times instead of praying a verbal prayer unto God, I just write what I am thinking. So writing is important because it gives us an opportunity to think twice so at the end of the day we do not say things that are not necessary leading us to creating peace with the community around us.
  • Games:  you can also enhance your mental health through games that you like  and playing them with people who appreciate your company. I like chess a lot so when I am feeling pressure, I usually go on my laptop, play chess for even an hour or I can even invite other people so that we can play together. This is very helpful to me because it clears my stress. So what I can just tell you  is look for a game that you can play alone with computer, which at times can shape your brains but at the same time renewing your mind
  • Music: learn to select the type of music that makes you feel happy. Do not choose the kind of music that makes you cry. I usually do not want to listen to music or even videos that remind me of my dirt, miserable and painful past. If you listen to such music, it means you are trying to bring your past into the present and it’s very difficult to try and forget something that you deliberately invited in your mind so the best way to avoid past pain is to listen to such kinds of music that will make your blood flow with joy and happiness.
  • Socializing with others. You can also be better off by just talking to people who appreciate your presence. This is a technique used by out goers. When you share your problems and happiness with others you get to know techniques that can be used to overcome certain problems.
  • Being alone: There is a time in life where you do not need anyone around you and you will be at peace alone, when people try to come to you, you feel very lonely in the midst of a group of people. So this drains your energy and you can even feel like you are an outcast. So you end up feeling sick when other people are around, so the best therapy is to be alone even if other people can label you crazy. At times I find it easier to be alone than to be in the company of many people who do not add any value to my life. 
A moment in the forest is also a good therapy

So not all these strategies can work for everyone but it’s my hope that one of these strategies might help you in your health conscious journey.

There is no one prescription that works for everyone but at times we need a concoction which can help us to be better as each day passes.

It’s my hope that one of these strategies has worked for someone or it is going to work for someone.Our motto this year is : 2023 best health and wellbeing for everyone .

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