Food and Mood.

One of my colleagues was very low this morning, so I asked him what was going on with him and he could not explain, He said, “I feel like I am just depressed, I do not know what is going on with me, I am just low.” So I just joked saying, ” I think you do not need a doctor but you need to be careful when selecting food.” So he said “go on, maybe it might help me .” So I started telling him about how a balanced diet improves his mental health. He thanked me and confessed that for the past weeks he had never been taking a balanced diet. So This gave me an insight of how people suffer because of lack of knowledge. This actually inspired me to write this blog.

Many people experince mood swings due to a many reasons, but today let me concentrate on food as one of the causes of mood swings. Many people can be depressed only for a few hours then the mood can change again. This affects the person and all the people around him so it is better for us to manage our own mood through choosing healthy diets. We realised that many people appreciate that they are experiencing mood swings but do not understand what is causing this.

The type of food that we eat can also impact on our mental health negatively so let’s us all make it a point that we eat a balanced diet so that when our mood changes we do not suspect the food we eat.

A balanced diet consists of all food sources that will give the consumer all the necessary elements that will make his organs to function well. Therefore it is wise to eat different types of food in recommended proportion so that we do not hurt or disturb some of our organs.

Make sure you include whole foods in your meals, avoid overprocessed food . By so doing you are giving yourself a good mental health. Whenever you are witnessing mood swings, the first thing is to check if you are still taking a balanced diet. Include a lot of unprocessed fruit and vegetables in your meals. Your plate should have a rainbow colour so that you take the right quantities of different minerals and nutrients that support your organs.

We all want to live peacefully, so we have to be in charge of our lives. If we want a good mental health, it can only be so if we are doing activities that helps us to stay in good shape like eating a lot of good food.

It’s so exciting that many people are now health conscious but I know we still have others who lack information about how food can affect the functionalities of our body organs.

Our body can be subjected to many things that can affect our mental health so whilst you are eating a health diet seek medical attention.

This month’s activity is to help our loved ones to eat wisely because we are what we eat.

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