growing sprouts

Everyone need to eat healthy food but sometimes people might not behaving the resources to grow their own food. Using traditional methods of growing, it cost us a lot of money and we also need a lot of space and water.

so today I here for those who does not have land but they want to want fresh vegetables.

Do you know that you can also have your own fresh supply of vegetables even if you live in a single room, the question is how?

All you need is organic seeds, water and a colander.

I know someone is saying how can that be? And what is it that I can grow?

ok, be attentive, I am about to let the cat out.

so the vegiew that you can grow are sprouts, can you imagine, they do not need light.

so let’s get in our indoor farm and let’s farm.

choose fresh organic seeds which has the highest probability of germinating we need 100% germination to avoid molds .

soak one part of sees to four parts of water overnight. Make sure your seeds are smart.

in the morning drain and rinse the swelling seeds

take a clean colander and put the seeds and cover them with a clean towel .Make sure their enough moisture.

Place the colander in a dark place, keep checking the colander and after every 8hours wash and rinse again. After 2-5 days, you will be having your supply of fresh spouts.

nb: make sure you are use fresh organic seeds and you apparatus are smart and also your water must be fresh .

I will let you know what happens if you do not do so in the next blog.

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