Importance of water in the food systems.

Many people do not have an appreciation of the importance of water in the food systems, there is nothing that we can eat without the aid of water. Water plays a pivotal role in bringing food on the table.

Let me give you a second, be silent and just think of how the food you ate today is made, what is the process? What quantities of water was involved at any stage.

yep! I know you have visualised it yourself and you found out that water is just important. It is clear that we cannot eat if water is not present. Therefore everyday is a water day. Look at the water bodies around you. How are you conserving them . The truth is without water no profession can thrive. One day I was shocked when a young man said he did not know why God allows rain to fall. I started telling him the importance of water in agriculture and he said he was not a farmer so he was not even concerned about rain falling or not. This shows that he did not understand that if rains does not fall it will affect every citizen in an indirect way but it would affect the farmer directly. So we need to be thankful for all the water bodies that we have and since we all know that there is climate change, it’s true that many people will find it difficult to access clean water. Yesterday was world water day, but how did you celebrate it? what measures have you put in place to ensure that your community have a sustainable water source. Presently it is quite clear that we cannot rely on water from rivers and dams only because rivers are drying up due to continuous droughts.

Today I am talking about underground water.

did you know that underground water is not visible but it’s positive effects are visible to veryone. In every community, people are sinking boreholes which are tens of meters deep so that they access clean sustainable water. Underground water has proved to be an answer to our problems in this period of climate change.

So if you realise that there is need for safe water in your community, the first thing that comes in your mind is having a well or a borehole.

Although many well wishers are playing great roles to ensure that members of the society have sustainable water sources, the members of the society are the ones that can work against people’s effort. When you move around, you even witness treated water gushing out, the community is reluctant to report about burst pipes. Some they do not care, they use tapes and leave them running. The reality is dams and Rivers are drying up, it also means that very soon it is going to be difficult for people to easily access underground water.

When ever you think of eating or drinking, think about how food is made, this will always remind you to take good care of the water that we have. If it is possible learn how to harvest rain water so that you can have continuous supply of water even if rain goes away.

For those who once lived and stayed in rural areas understand how difficult it can be to access clean water. In the village, women and girls travel long distances in search of safe water. They even carry it on their heads, it’s a painful experience that has been witnessed and is still being witnessed by many villagers. Some find it difficult to access only a few litres of safe water to drink. Only this people are in a better position to tell the world how water is important. In some drought stricken areas, people can hardly grow vegetables making many people to have poor nutrition.

This shows that water is as important for life on this earth

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