Reasons why Zimbabweans should grow microgreens.

We did not have water supplies for the past three days and it is so painful to watch my vegetables succumbing to excessive heat waves currently prevailing this season.

When I woke up today, I went straight to the garden to check on my vegetables. Most of my vegetable varieties are failing to withstand the heat worse still , there is nothing that I can do, all I could do is watching them withering and wilting. My day was very bad.

Yes I know that we have been experiencing water woos for more than a decade but this problem had not directly affected my business. We are used to spend only a day without water but this week it’s the third day.

It’s now horrible to set my eyes in the garden, it’s so painful to watch my herbs which were growing vividly looking stranded and dying.

So to relieve myself, I decided to spend much of my day in the green house, everything is normal, plants are doing pretty good, they are not even worried about what is happening to their colleagues out there.

I spent more than twenty minutes gazing on my Microgreens which are doing well in a passive hydroponics environment. They seemed not to care about the heat which is outdoors. Everything is fine for them. It seems as if they are growing on minute bases.

When I got in the greenhouse in the morning, they were about 3cm tall, but when I got in again in the evening, they are more than 5cm tall.

Looking at this growth rate, I realized why people are now concentrating on indoor farming and greenhouse farming.

Everthing is just good, no need to worry about the scorching heat and water shortages.

What is happening in my area is a wake up call, it’s high Time we need to concentrate on growing Microgreens and sprouts which does not need a lot of water .

Another advantage of growing Microgreens is you enjoy a variety of vegetables even when you do not have space. The quickly mature and usually you able to move your growing kits to areas with have best growing conditions when whether changes.

Every problems gives us an opportunity to come up with new ideas. So today I spent my day thinking on how I could improve my farming technologies to suit our Zimbabwean context

Next time I will open down my innovation which correct the problem of water shortages and heat waves.

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