Snot Apples.

Last week we were in the village and we had an opportunity to get into the forests, we enjoyed wild fruits. One of the wild fruits that we had an opportunity to eat are snot apples .

I love the sweetness of the fruit and for me it’s actually an African bubble gum. They have natural sweetness and they are eaten the way bubble gum are chewed, like bubble gums, the residue cannot be swallowed.

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So the question is how do you eat this?

Open your snot apple and remove the seeds , so that you can take a piece at a time. So you can have something like this.

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You can now eat the pieces and sow the seeds so that your grand children will enjoy snot apples in the future.

Snot apples are so sweet, when eating them you might think that someone added some sugar.

but there is only one thing that I loothe, it’s the texture that you get after chewing.

but the bottom line is:

Snot apples enhances my mood!

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