We are what we eat

Many people do not have time to manage their diets but if something’s goes wrong in their immune system, they start blaming God, themselves or their partners.

Noone has the responsibility to take good care of your healthy, you can only do it by yourself.

What does that mean?

Choose your food wisely, do not wait for someone to choose food for you. Have the courage to explain to your loved ones why you are changing from your traditional unsustainable eating habits to new sustainable eating habits.

How many times do you eat what you do not want because you want to please someone?

Please do not give up on your healthy just because it is going to be difficult to restore it to the right condition.

Many people who have lived long chose plant based diets, they were bold enough to explain to their friends and family why they do not eat un healthy foods.

It took us ages to understand our father when he deliberately chose vegan food and less sugar. We thought he was crazy, he always eat our traditional Zimbabwean meals but we used to think that he is back ward. We only came to réalise that exercise and plant based diets can make people live longer than expected.

So what am I saying my friends, choose your food wisely, choose plant based food if you want to live a longer healthier life.

Always remember this, Eating is a necessity, but choosing the right food is an art.

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