We still have a chance to save the planet earth

Hey my friends! I hope you are doing well and you are enjoying every profit from your businesses. As you are producing, there is someone ready to consume, but my question today is, “Have you ever thought of what is making you produce or consume?”

I know many people believe that it is their unique tactics that enable them to beat others in the market, ok fine! I do not deny it, for you to be successful in every business, you need to employ strategies that will maximise your outcomes.

But where are you getting all the factors of production, who holds them? Ok, let us not waste time.

Everything that we use during production and consumption comes from the earth. Mother earth is a provider for all, She naturally provided all natural resources, living or none living and for human beings to produce made- made goods and services, the earth provides a perfect environment. Although people have tried to manipulate some environments, the earth has proved to be the best mother. Thousands of years ago, the earth was beautiful. Mountains and forests were home to a variety of animal and birds. Rivers flowed continuously, oceans and seas were also homes to a variety of life. Life was just good. There was a natural ecosystem that ensured everything is in harmony.

Of all the living creatures, man proved to be controlling activities on earth, his control has ensured that he benefited more than other creatures. Due to his dominion, man has dominated every part of the earth. This has disturbed the natural ecosystem and has led to considerable damage of the earth. The activities of man has destroyed flora and fauna. Things are falling apart. Currently, everyone is raising alarm on the rate at which the ozone layer is being depleted. The climate is changing, countries are experiencing extreme wheather conditions. Rainfall patterns are now erratic, everything is just upside down. The most hard hit countries are developing countries, they do not have good technologies to predict weather patterns, families are vulnerable to extreme hunger and poverty.The future looks bleak, it seems as if the earth is exhausted and angry with the man’s behaviour.

What should we do now? If the earth is being destroyed at this alarming rate, it means that there is no future for the earth, if the earth is futureless, all creatures are also futureless because if the mother becomes helpless, how can the offsprings survive?

The good thing is that we still have a chance to change, we can still employ solutions that can protect our mother.

Let’s s rise and unite and build a sustainable future for everyone lest we all become extinct.

I know that you are asking me a question in your heart, and you are saying, “what can I do as an individual to save the earth. It seems impossible, but if we put our hands and heads together we can be somewhere.

let us build a culture of responsibility and accountability in our heart. Do responsible production and consumption. Consider sustainable production, practice recycling, reduce waste and reuse what you have.

Your company should be known for good production practices. Inspire others by introducing new production methods that are innovative and are saving our mother earth.

Never be greed! Greed has led the world into shame. It’s because of being greed that you cannot think of generations to come. Being greed causes people to emit harmful gases into the atmosphere.

Yes, we all need profits but think of the people around you and planet earth where you are doing your production activities. Think twice before you continue to cause damage to the earth. Think of how you will enjoy the profits if the earth is destroyed. We can only have a brighter future if we change our ways of thinking and producing.

A brighter future for the earth is also a brighter future of it’s inhabitants

Lets all unite and build a sustainable systems that allows the earth to be a safe place to dwell.

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