Who is taking a lead in this transition?

We are proud suppliers of a variety of leafy vegetables ranging from MiCrogreens to mature greens. We mainly supply off season wild occuring edible weeds for example black jack and amaranth. These weeds are readily available in summer but are very scarce in winter. We made a bold decision to have them available to our clients in winter and even spring.

At first we were very skeptic about it, we were not sure of who was going to be our clients. So we started growing this on small scale and giving out the edible weeds for free. We later réalised that many people who had their relatives bed ridden would come to our place begging us to sell amaranth to them. Many people would choose amaranth, black jack and spinach. I wondered why those who are sick would crave for this weed. Until one day someone told me that if your body is lacking a certain essential nutrient, it will force you to crave for food with that essential nutrient.

We became known to supply wild off-season edible weeds to the extend that we could not meet demand. To limit demand we had to price our bunches of these weeds

Do you know that we are now making a living from selling amaranth, to individuals and supermarkets. This wild edible seed is giving us more revenue than any other vegetable.

What is shocking is that it is mainly bought by men than women. I do not understand this. I have tried to establish this but these men always tell me that they want to live longer, healthier and happily so they are cutting down red meat consumption and replacing with healthful plant based diets.

99% of our clients are male. Most of them admit that because of different ailments they are now forced to choose meat alternatives and they testify that it is helping them a lot. Most of them admit that their doctors have advised them to switch to plant based diets

So what I do not understand is why women are slow at reacting, does that mean they do not regularly visit their doctors or they are still denying the fact that plant based diets are away to go? Noone knows.

Maybe information is not perfect or maybe men are connected so they learn more everyday.I sometimes think that women are difficult to convince.

The truth is men are leading in the transition and are determined to have better lives and better days on earth.

One middle aged man told me that he does not bother his wife about cooking these, he does it on his own. He uses different recipes so that he enjoys his meals everyday.

So the question remains who is leading in this transition and why?

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