Why it’s better to consume Microgreens than sprouts and mature vegetables?

Hie my friends! It s been long without any interaction, My schedule has been tight, what made me to write something to you is a client that I met yesterday. She is very interested in Microgreens but since this is something which is new in my country, people are just skeptic about trying Microgreens, so she said please explain to me what microgreens are? She vividly explained to me what sprouts are and what baby greens and the next utterance was , “then explain to me why you are saying Microgreens are more beneficial than all vegetables I know.”

So this question made me realise that I was not doing much to let my fellow Zimbabweans know what Microgreens are? This is why a Iam writing this blog. In this blog , I will let you know why Microgreens are considered to be better than mature vegetables, so let’s go!

What are Microgreens?

Microgreens are vegetables that are grown and harvested within a period of 7- 21 days depending on the seed variety being used. Microgreens are harvested when they have just developed the true leaf.

Difference between Microgreens and sprouts.

Some people are tempted to believe that Microgreens and sprouts are just the same. There is a big difference between sprouts and microgreens

  • Sprouts are harvested within a period of less than a week, whilst microgreens are harvested when they are more than a week old
  • The stems and leaves of microgreens are the only ones that are consumed but for sprouts everything is eaten including the roots.
  • sprouts are prone to bacterial diseases such as salmonella and E coli but the chance of getting food poisoning is slim for Microgreens

Now let’s look at the difference between Microgreens and baby greens.

  • baby greens are a little bit mature as compared to Microgreens usually harvested after three weeks from the day of planting but Microgreens are harvested between seven and twenty one days. Some plants cannot be eaten as baby greens because their stems can be bitter e.g. sunflower greens cannot be left to become baby greens because the stem because very bitter.

It has been researched and concluded that it more beneficial to eat Microgreens than mature vegetables. Different studies carried out in America shows that microgreens have more healthy benefits than mature vegetables. It was discovered that on average , Microgreens have a nutrient content which is at least seven times of that of mature vegetables. This the reason why many people from developed countries prefer to eat Microgreens than mature vegetables and herbs. Microgreens are great source of minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper and other minerals. So if you have an ailment which needs these minerals then with Microgreens you will never go wrong.

Another important thing is Microgreens are packed with anti- oxidants, their nutrient content is in vitamins. A study carried out in America showed that microgreens have magnesium, vitamins and anti- oxidants which are up to 40times higher than recorded for mature vegetables. This means that microgreens are the best option for those with compromised health and vegans


Microgreens are grown from different seed varieties of cereals, vegetables and herbs , we can have wheatgrass Microgreens which are used to make wheatgrass juice and smoothies 🥤. Microgreens can be made from legumes such as beans and chick peas and lentils. The image below shows chickpeas microgreens

We at Bono Salus we have started our own blood builders and immunity builders Microgreens using locally sourced seeds of blackjack and amaranth. This has been welcomed by many chefs who sell traditional and indigenous food sources. Our blackjack and amaranth Microgreens have helped many people with ill- health and the health conscious people who want to improve their health through plant based food. Our clients toss blackjack Microgreens in their favourite smoothies, salads and sandwiches

health benefits of microgreens

Microgreens helps in the blood building process. Those who usually buy our blackjack and amaranth Microgreens use them in place of spinach and beetroot. Nursing mothers usually blackjack Microgreens especially first 2month just after giving birth. Many people claim that it cleans their immune system and help improve their blood.

People with heart diseases, diabetes are also recommended by their doctors to consume a lot of microgreens.

How to include Microgreens in your diet?

Microgreens can be included in a variety of dishes such as sandwiches, wraps, salads, smoothies , garnish, topping etc.

So those who enjoy pizza, burgers, omelettes and curries, Microgreens are the best option.

Problems which can be expected in microgreens growing:

Microgreens are usually grown in a fairly moist environment so they are prone to salmonella and E coli, so to avoid food poisoning, you need to buy Microgreens from well experiences farmers who use quality seeds and grow media.

NB: Microgreens are not GMOs, they are organically grown using organic seeds , organic fertilisers and grow media made from naturally occurring material like coco peat and saw dust from indigenous trees.

I hope this blog will help you understand that microgreens are more valuable as compared to mature vegetables, you need to understand that many restaurants and hotels in developed countries are now opting for Microgreens because:

  • they nutrient dense
  • flavourful

So the bottom Line is microgreens are the best options for the health conscious community.

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