You can only enjoy healthy food by investing in these kitchen gadgets

Whenever we think of good food, we visualize and see ourselves going out for a treat. We were made to believe that good food is found at the restaurant or at the hotel.

Did you know that you can also create your own hotel at home and enjoy good food as long as you live? What you only need to do is invest in simple kitchen tools that makes food preparation easier. You need some simple tools that will help you with good food presentation.

At Times we take a long period of time preparing food because we do not have the right tools. I also observed that many people may not eat certain food because the food is badly prepared or presented.

Let me tell you an interesting and heartbreaking story.

Ok, the story goes like.

We grew up in the village and our parents were peasant farmers. We always had abundant food because my parents liked farming and they still like it.

Our family would grow a variety of grains, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins , varieties of squashes, gourds, round nuts, groundnuts, soya beans, yams. I tell you the list is endless. In our garden we would grow a variety of vegetables.

My father was very fortunate to have worked with the whites so he knew some food which we did not know. He tried by all means to bring good food on the table but we did not know how to cook, prepare, present and consume. He even started his orchard in the village. We had oranges, lemons, mangoes, peaches, plums, apples, mulberries, gooseberries, loquats, 🍇 ,paw paws and a variety of herbs.

The unfortunate thing was that we did not know how to eat all this. I still remember, if we were eating watermelons and cucumbers, we did not have time to cut them into nice pieces. So I did not appreciate the value of the food that we had at home. All I wanted is to go in town to buy french fries. Little did we know that we were capable of frying our own at home.

When it comes to summer squashes, we did not know that they are eaten when they are very young and tender. So we would wait for them to grow big and firm. Wen we tried to boil them , we found out that they did not taste good. This made us to think that summer squashes were not good food .

We also had a lot of gooseberries and mulberries but we did not use them because we did not know how to prepare them.

I only came to the point if realizing that we had treasure in the village when I came to town. I started seeing the prices of fruits and vegetables that we used to throw away. How people were buying gooseberries in town? How they were buying passion fruits, how they were buying oranges and even lemons. I was shocked. In our village we used to know that lemons are useless fruits which people should enjoy without paying anything.

I Started making my own research on why people buy the fruits that we even throw away. That is when someone told me how they eat and prepare different food.

That same day I went to the market, I bought some few yellow sweet potatoes. I prepared my salad and soup with them. Guys I tell you, this was delicious. This way of preparing food showed me that people are not enjoying good food because they lack information on food preparation and the simple tools they need to do so.

I realized that many people in the village can access good food cheaply but noone has informed them on how to eat what they have .

So today I will talk about a few important gadgets that every family must have so that food preparation becomes cheap.

  • Peelers. Many fruits need to be peeled before eating. If you do not have a peeler, it means that you will use a knife. At times the knife may not do the job very well, you can end up cutting yourself e.t.c. With a peeler you can remove the rinds of potatoes, yams and even cucumbers. This will make life easier and it will motivate people to prepare more food.
  • Fruit cutter. We usually cut our fruit using a knife. If we want amazing shapes, it can take ages to cut many fruits. Fruit cutters will help us to have different shapes that are wonderful to look at.
  • Grinder. Some recipes Call for powders that may not be in our kitchen but If we have a grinder we can make our own powder like chilli powders even onion and garlic powder.
  • Grater. Nowadays these come in a variety of shapes and blades, some blades will allow you to form spirals, squares, rectangles and so forth. It’s difficult to use a knife for this.
  • Blender . Blenders are powered by electricity but nowadays people can buy portable blenders which are rechargeable. This allow people from all walks of life to enjoy smoothies at home.
  • Mortar and pestle . If you do not have an electric grinder, you can also choose to buy a small mortar and pestle that will enable you to grind your herbs fruits and vegetables into powder.

For now if you do not have the above simple tools, please make an effort to have some and next week I will list some more gadgets which are important.

You will easily enjoy plant based food if you invest in simple kitchen tools

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